
Sunday, May 27, 2012

Happy Birthday, Wale Osideinde

All of us have that one friend that is always there...

You know, the type that you go to for a loan even when you have owed them since forever; the type that you drop into their house unannounced and bounce them from their own bed; the type that continues to give you a 'second' chance even after you have turned 'messing up' into a full-time job; the type that sticks so close - you forget you don't share the same second name... (doesn't apply when it comes to their girlfriend/wifey though)... :D

Well, maybe I have a couple of friends that fit this description - but there's one that stands heads and shoulders above all others, Adewale Osideinde, and he's a year older today...

Happy birthday to my friend, brother, and role-model in many ways...

May God make you bigger!

(Please comment if you know Wale and want to wish him a Happy Birthday)


  1. HBD WALE! Live long and prosper

  2. Pastor Wale Osideinde Happy Birthday. I pray that just as you have been and still are a blessing to my life and the life of many others, that God would greatly increase you. You would increase in favour and in statue with God and man.You are indeed a great friend and mentor.
