Today I will upload the first two posts in our series on Sex. The introduction now, and the second post by 7pm. In case you are not familiar with this ‘trend’, first a little background… Last Friday, as I pondered on a conversation with a bewildered young lady – I started to write a post on Virginity. Nearly seven hundred words and four days later, I am amazed at what God has done with that piece. A good number of people – nearly all ladies – have reached me to say they read it “just in time”.
When I started to write that post, I was led to ask Ola Joseph Kolawole to do a guest-post on SEX. Now, I must mention that I am very careful about guest-posts – as you implicitly endorse the content by the very act of uploading them. However, no such fears exist with Kolawole Ola. Ola is a gifted Christian brother, and his power of expression is simply amazing!
I am compelled to mention that I have edited the style and flow of this piece to make it easier to read, given the wide variety of the intended readership. All changes have been pre-aligned with Ola, and I would be very happy to provide you relevant sections of the original manuscripts if you so desire.
The truth of His kingdom reigns through us.
Once upon a time, mainstream culture supported the idea that sex was reserved for marriage. Outright pornography and other sexually explicit material were taboos, restricted to the doldrums of back-alleys and dreary theatres. Couples courting with an intention to marry were carefully supervised by relatives and intending brides were monitored to ensure fidelity. The ‘production’ of a bloodied cloth on the wedding night was a thing of pride; failure to produce such often having unfavorable consequences for the bride – and her mother.
The opposite is the case today. The world has ‘moved’. “This is 2013, not 1930!” they say, “be gone with your ancient views!”
Starting with this and continuing through a short series of posts, I trust God to help convey my thoughts accurately on the subject of SEX. There is a lot of confusion out there about sexual morality, and in such a case as this – we can only turn to the incorruptible word of God for guidance.
I am going to start by giving a quick background and some interesting facts, and then we will proceed to explore the following three questions:
- What does the Bible teach about sex?
- Why should you follow God’s plan?
- How can you follow God’s plan?
I take a cursory glance at the challenges we face today as young people, and quite a great deal are linked to sex. A couple of examples below:
- On Valentine’s Day two years ago, a lady asked me “Can’t guys do without sex? My boyfriend just walked out because I refused to ‘give him’. Was I wrong? I am confused.” (I will never stop wondering what she was confused about. Such guys do not deserve you!)
- A friend of mine is about two months pregnant with two gifts of God at a time she did not expect, no thanks to a ‘Man of God’ who drugged and raped her to sate his sexual desires – disguised as the playing-out of a prophetic script.
- I just spoke to a lady who has been suffering the pangs that come with the hypocrisy of a dichotomous life. She feels dirty inside, her pain compounded by the feeling that she has deceived many who esteemed her as a role model. Having become sex-addicted to her former boyfriend, she is now in search of a fresh start.
- Do I need to look so far? I take a look at the ‘Man in the Mirror’, and see an example of one who has overcome a sex challenge. In my most recent book, '13:13; The Numbers of LIFE', I share the story of my sojourn in the addictive world of masturbation.
I also think the following facts might interest you:
- Approximately one in five adolescents has had coitus before their 15th birthday.
- Boys aged 14 and younger are slightly more likely to have had sex than girls the same age.
- Teenagers contribute 55% of the estimated 760,000 unsafe abortions occurring annually in Nigeria.
- 81% of 12-14 year olds who have had sex wish they had waited.
Now, we will proceed to explore the first question – What does the Bible teach about Sex?
Sex. Such beauty, simplicity, and complexity. What a word!
...continued in Part Two...
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