Young Padawan,
I received your letter requesting
advice on balancing your obligations to your family with funding the pursuit of
your goals. It is a difficult one to respond to, as I am in similar shoes and I
am adjusting my approach as I go. I will share what I have learnt from others
and found out for myself, and I hope it helps you.
Let us start with some common
ground: you are partly responsible for
your family. Your parents and siblings should not suffer lack of food,
clothing, or healthcare if you can do something. They have shared good and bad times
with you, loved you in health and nursed you through sickness, and as you
mentioned – sacrificed to pay for your education. Yes, you did not ask to be
born, and many of these things are parental responsibilities. But, do you ever wonder
how things would be different if they hadn’t performed these duties?